
Join The DOOLEYS Lifeblood Team

Lifeblood Team
28 August 2020

They’re open, and you’re essential.  

Australian Red Cross Lifeblood needs an additional 10,000 people to give blood and plasma this September to prevent a potential shortage in blood and plasma stocks. 

Blood and plasma donations are an essential service and remains vital to the health and wellbeing of our community. The health of the nation depends on it. 

DOOLEYS members are encouraged and welcome to join the DOOLEYS Lifeblood Team by signing up online or when you are next at your local Blood Donor Centre.

Over the last two years the DOOLEYS Lifeblood Team have been regular donors saving up to 627 lives as part of the Western Sydney Lifeblood Teams donating at Parramatta Donor Centre. 

But this year isn’t over yet. Join the DOOLEYS Lifeblood Team today and make an appointment to give blood or plasma by visiting, or call 13 14 95 or download the Donate Blood app.

Please note Lifeblood Donor Centres are safe to visit, with strict social distancing, cleaning and donor eligibility measures in place. Only healthy people are eligible to give blood and Parramatta Donor Centre have introduced even more stringent wellness checks prior to appointments, including temperature checking.

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